World Tree Happenings the Week of September 10th 2024
This week minis are back on Wednesday. If you are looking to join the Age of Sigmar Spearhead tournament, this is your first change to register. Come build your spearhead, talk about the rules, or just meet other mini gamers…
Grand Re Re Re Re Opening
Tomorrow the shop is closing at about 4pm, hopefully I will be open early with the Farmer’s Market returning to the plaza. I will be back as normal Tuesday. Next Saturday, the 11th I am hosting a Grand Re Re…
Magic The Gathering Open House
My Magic The Gathering Open House starts at 3pm today. This is an event for new players, but is open for experienced players to bring a friend they would like to learn how to play Magic. I will be going…
A New Home
The shop has officially found a new home. Last week a group of wonderful friends joined me and Anjie in moving the shop to its new home, 102 Plaza Street. I am still getting everything put back together, but in…
Transgender Day of Visibility
Today is Transgender Day of Visibility. To all of my transgender patrons, I see you, I love you, and I am here for you.
Meet the shop kitty
This is Holly, or Polly (more on that to come). She is a cat that has been part of our family for many years. Sometime in 2017 a cat moved in under our house with a liter of kittens, over…